Sunday, October 10, 2010

The French and their shorty shorts

This weekend, my roommates and I embarked upon a Libreville expedition of epic proportions. Purportedly, our aim was to drop our French roommate off at the airport for her return trip to Dijon, but there was also big city tomfoolery to be had. I have already written about our French military friend, who is an absolute sweetheart. Well this weekend he introduced us to French military life a la etrangere. First and foremost, when the French military embarks to a hot weather climate, they have tiny shorts that they wear as their uniform. It is too super! We arrived at an after work party on Friday afternoon to find dozens of men in military shorty shorts. I was so taken by the scene and expressed my appreciation for this mass display of sexy shorts that our friend commanded one of his subordinates to strip and give me his shorts. So if back in the US, or elsewhere in the world, you see me wearing a pair of tiny cammos, you know they came directly from the thighs of a young French military man. Too great.

In other news, I bought all the train tickets that I will use for when my husband arrives at the end of the month. We are going to travel this country--I am so excited!

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