Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pantry Efficiency

One of the challenges of moving to a new city is trying to use everything up before you go, so as to ensure minimal pantry packing. Coupling that mandate with not buying has made for some interesting meals of late. I would be curious as to meals or dishes that people have made in the throes of pre-packing insanity. Is everyone else as crazy as I am about using everything up? Last night, for example, I made squash soup with old apples, 6-month old chives, corn relish (purchased 4 months ago at Sav-a-lot), and dried coconut from macaroons that I made with my sister last summer. That dish was a coup for me, but I hope that the best of pantry efficiency is yet to come. If you have brilliant suggestions about how to use everything up, comment or send an email. Otherwise, look for more tales of tomato juice polenta (tomato juice from 8 months ago during a misguided attempt at healthy breakfasts) and Rice Krispie treats with Crater Lake marshmallows from circa July 2006.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could have a final "use it up" party. On the invite, you could list things you still had and your guests would have to claim at least 1-2 items, but could bring other ingredients to make something. And, of course, if there were any left-overs, they'd have to take them home?

    We carried around a can of rock-lobster (chad's) through 3 moves because we couldn't bring ourselves to use it or get rid of it!
