Monday, January 1, 2007

The Beginning of the End

Hello family und friends. Here we are at the beginning of 2007, a good year, an auspicious year. As things often go at 321 I have come up with a crazy project and convinced Owen to join me in it. In this year, this 2007, we will not buy anything unnecessary. Essentially meaning we will buy food, preferably at a cheapie grocery store or a marche, and nothing else. We are doing this to investigate what consumption means to us, watch how our capitalist impulses change and shift, and to spend more time on things that we care about (we'll get back to you when we find out what those things are with all of our newly freed time). We'll write when the spirit of revelation strikes. Here we go into the wild blue yonder of no consumption.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear Sophie. I applaud your project. My own mantra for resisting consumption is a question: is this about WANT or NEED? Most of the time it's the former, which signals refusal to spend.

    Yours, Lindsay
